How to get Relief or Drying of Muscles

How to get Relief or Drying of Muscles

A lot of us once have faced with situations where it would seem, that somebody has biceps, chest muscles are worked, has gained mass and power phase is behind, but when you look in the mirror, you know, that still something is missing for the perfect figure, at this moment it is time to think of drying muscles!

Guys with a very impressive size at the gym can meet every one of us. They have muscles, but some unpresentable. Yes, there is muscle mass, but do not forget about the quality of muscles. While working on the relief of muscle mass, you can create from your body a real masterpiece. But to perfection you should do the last step: drying of muscles. Psychologically, this stage is much more complicated. If earlier during bulking you can not limit yourself in the food, but now you have to indulge in your favorite dessert or beer. In addition, all training system needs change. You need to add cardio and increase the number of repetitions, decreasing the weight. But there are pitfalls, you can lose it, for what you have paid gallons of sweat, the muscles. If you want to bump and lose muscle, it is worth considering the advice listed below.

Go on a diet, of course, but it`s necessary. Restricting food intake and consequent lack of carbohydrates will force the body to produce energy by burning the inside of subcutaneous fat. However, the intensity of training at the same time should not fall. Of course, it’s hard. However, if the answer about the purpose for which we spend so much time at the gym, no doubt, then let`s start!
You shoul eat often, because a high rate of metabolism can store only a fractional power. And to achieve results in the shortest time, high metabolism is necessary. In addition, we need to reduce consumption of major energy sources, which are fats and carbohydrates. But protein should be consumed in large quantities, the muscles do not have to suffer from a lack of it. In the process of losing weight you should stick to the formula: daily intake of calories should come from protein to 30-45% from fat – 10-15%, with carbohydrates – by 40-50%. You should not eat fats at all during the last meal before bedtime, carbohydrates should be as small as possible. With a weight of 90 kg + / – 5 kg daily rate is approximately 2,500 calories, which equals approximately 270 grams protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 40 grams of fat.
The influx of a small amount of calories into the body needs to be regular, so do not skip meals. If food is not long enough, the body begins producing the hormone cortisol. At the same time as food, it use their own muscles, and are their decay.This should not be allowed!
Food should be natural, high quality, capable of maintaining a high rate of digestion and affect hormone metabolism. Of fast carbohydrates that are found in white bread, chocolate bars, biscuits and ice cream, you have to be abandoned.Cope with hunger to help low-fat milk or water. In addition, to replace half of meals can be protein shake. If, however, comes the feeling that it is not strong enough power for the gym, you can increase the amount of carbohydrates, but which we eat before a workout.
The food intake system must not fail, it is one of the main points of this phase of our work. Semi-finished products, a variety of desserts and alcohol should be excluded. Fatty foods such as frankfurters, sausages and pates must be removed from the diet. You should eat now more low-fat cottage cheese, egg proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables and fish, but low-fat varieties such as cod or carp, boiled chicken or beef.
Help your body maintain a high level of metabolism, you can with special supplements. Given the low-calorie diet, they will contribute to weight loss. Such supplements include carnitine. It does not only accelerate the process of fat burning and helps maintain muscles, but also increases testosterone levels. Rapidly excreting the excess fluid helps the caffeine. Achieved good results in the short term will allow green tea or its extract. On average, the average daily dose equal to 300 mg of green tea extract or 250-300 ml of the drink out of it, 200 mg of caffeine before a workout, and 2000 mg of carnitine, taken on an empty stomach or with food.

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Fish should always be included in the diet.

Fish oil contains a unique omega-3 fats that contribute to weight loss. Such fats contain linseed oil. Omega-3 fats will save you of a heart attack because they dissolve cholesterol plaques that clog blood vessels. In addition, they increase the activity of the brain, normalize lipid metabolism, and help maintain muscle mass.

We can not say that to have the desired relief will be an easy proccess. You should have a lot of both physical and psychological effort. But you want a perfect body … Then start right now!

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