The Best Weight Exercises for Chest Muscles

The Best Weight Exercises for Chest Muscles

Attention! This exercise is very effective. It is a plus and, oddly enough, a minus. A positive value of exercise that it develops fine pectoral muscles, but if you lack a strong back, a rapid increase in the tone of these muscles will lead to the shoulders reduction. The more you do this exercise, the more will you’re a sunken chest and a stooping back! Another little-known feature of this exercise is that it causes fatigue lat. Many people forget about it and include exercises for chest and back in one complex. This reduces the overall training effect. In case you still want to pump both of these muscle groups per workout, the exercises should be divided by placing between them, for example, exercise on your feet.
When you lay down on the bench, the bar should lie at the bar stands roughly at the level of your shoulders. Grasp the neck with the middle grip and remove the bar from the racks. Now, the neck should be about the middle of the pectoral muscles. Put down and raise the bar vertically.

Attention! Do bench presses only in the presence of a partner. On the bar locks are required. Remember, the neglect of these simple rules can lead you to serious injuries! Do not waste your time on the bench presses with dumbbells. This is an exercise of precompetitive period. If you want to pump a mass, the best tool for this will be bar. Be sure to do bench presses on an incline bench. The optimum angle – 30-45 degrees. The program for chest can not be considered complete, if you train only the average horizontal muscle bundles.

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Breeding hands while lying down. This, of course, is not a basic exercise, but it must enter into training to impact on the pectoral muscles will not too monotonous. Mode change of the muscle work contributes to its growth in the basic exercises.
Hold dumbbells in hands, lie on the bench. Raise the dumbbells in front of youself and slowly start to breed them. Bend slightly your elbows. Try to control voltage pectoral muscle, while not forgetting about safety.

Attention! Since we are talking about weights, near you should be a partner. However, if you’re lucky and the gym will be U-shaped exercise for deltoids, you can use it when performing this exercise. Set right in the middle low bench, lie on it and grab the handle ropes. Now, bringing your hands in front of yourself, just as you woulddo with dumbbells. In this case, you can free your mind from the fear of injury and to concentrate on muscular sensations.

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  1. Posted by Jimz, at Reply


  2. Posted by jatinpatel, at Reply

    Nice bro