The Handstand

The Handstand

Stand straight up and lift your hands above your head. Make sure your arms are straight, touching your ears. However, some people find it easier to start with their arms down, step forward and then throw your hands down and kick up. It gives you more momentum.

Kick one leg in front of you and take a large step forward with that leg as far as it feels comfortable to you. Try to keep a straight line from your fingertips to your back foot. This allows for your skeletal system to take the load off your muscles.

Lean forward while keeping your body straight. Let your body tip over your lunged leg like a see-saw. Make sure to put a little force forward with your lunged leg and back foot. This will allow for a balanced system over your lunged leg, where gravity actually aids in the handstand rather than restricting it. The most common mistake is to throw your hands straight down at the ground and try to throw your legs upward. This results in a whip at the top and causes you to fall forward.

Keep straight. Once your hands are approaching the ground, make sure to keep your arms perfectly straight. Don’t let your shoulders sag upwards or your elbows bend either. If you bend them you will risk major injury for yourself.

When you feel most of your weight on your hands, attempt to keep the force of your weight around the base of your fingers. This allows you to push forward or backwards with your hands, to compensate for when you kick too hard or not enough. You might need to try a few times before you get to balance. Soon you will get it almost every time. Just keep all the weight on your hands.

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If you are having problems having enough strength to hold the handstand, use a wall or a tree as a prop

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