How to Gain Weight

How to Gain Weight

Ask yourself “How do I get better? How to gain weight?”. The answer is simple. We offer you some simple diets for this purpose, following our recommendations, you can easily achieve the necessary weight. Thus,

First meal
12 egg whites
Sliced ​​fresh vegetables
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
2 capsules of fish oil
240 ml of green tea

Second meal
225 g natural yoghurt
1 tablespoon of protein powder
2 capsules of fish oil

Third meal
2 slices of turkey tenderloin
115 g carrots
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
1 tablespoonof flaxseed oil
4 capsules of fish oil

Fourth meal (before training)
1 serving of recovery drink

Fifth meal (during training)
1 serving of recovery drink

Sixth meal (immediately after training)
1 serving of recovery drink

Seventh meal
225 g yogurt
1 tablespoon of protein powder
1-2 f ruit
75 g dry cereal

Eighth meal
115 g lean beef
115 g carrots
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
100 g quinoa (or sweet potato)
1 fruit

Ninth meal
115 g lean beef
115 g carrots
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 capsules of fish oil
40 g cashew nuts

If you know exactly what you will eat in another place, it is necessary to take adequate nutrition for yourself. So, if you do not get into an unexpected situation, the food will be with you and you will not have to miss your intake or to eat “bad food” (for example, buy products from a vending machine or fast food restaurant).

What a bodybuilder needs to have for cooking:
• Four plastic or glass bottles (shaker) for cocktails. You should have one litre cocktail shaker, with the good screw cap to prevent leakage. You can put powder into the bottles and add water when necessary.
• One cooler / lunchbox. Your box for lunches (or cooler) must be large enough to hold the food for the day, including three or four shaker. The refrigerator should be nearby, and you have access to it whenever it comes time to take some food.
• Alarm clock. If you do not have a watch with an alarm, you should know: the clock with timer is extremely important for the initial stages of the program. Set the alarm for a time when you should eat.
• If you have all that listed above, you are ready to perform “The morning ritual.”

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If you follow our instructions, you can cook all day for 30 minutes or less. All 4600 kcal can be prepared and packaged in less than 30 minutes. When all the food is cooked, all you need to do, is to sit down, eat breakfast and start getting ready for work. If you do not want to get up earlier than usual, just prepare your meal as described below, the evening before going to bed.

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1 comment

  1. Posted by Luar, at Reply

    Is a person supposed to eat all this food during a day..and for how long? And is it healthy to have that much omega 3 pills cuz I read somewhere that the daily dose should be no more than 2…