No-Weights Workout that will make your Legs Super Strong

No-Weights Workout that will make your Legs Super Strong

Do each movement for 45 seconds with no rest between movements. At the end of Set 1, rest for 1-2 minutes, then begin Set 2. Repeat the circuit 3-5 times.

Set 1

Body Weight Squats (45 seconds)
Reverse Lunges (45 seconds each leg)
Side Squats (45 seconds)
Burpee Blowout (45 seconds)
Rest for 1-2 minutes

Set 2

Jump Squats (45 seconds)
Jump Lunges (45 seconds)
Side Jumps (45 seconds)
Burpee Blowout (45 seconds)
Repeat circuit 3-5 times.

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