Seven Push-ups You May Not Know About.


The Planche push-up

This is a variation of the push up in which your center of gravity must be above your hands. This is commonly done with feet propped up in the seat of a chair while your hands are on the ground performing the pushing movement. This provides great resistance and can hit certain parts of your muscles that aren’t stressed as much when performing with the traditional position.

Maltese push-up

This form is considered the ‘gymnastic’ push-up as it is performed with your hands positioned close to the hips and spread far beyond shoulder width to strengthen core and increase balance.

The Judo push-up

Also called the Hindu push up is a form in which you start bent upwards and come down with your chest above the ground, your head up and your elbows inward. The proper positioning varies.

The Guillotine push-up

This push-up is performed with both your hands on objects like two chairs or two medicine balls in which your chest comes down below your shoulders to further extend your muscle. This can be very useful in developing more range of resistance in the exercise.

The Backhanded push-up

The Backhanded push-up is simply performed using the back of your hands rather than your palms and uses a different force of motion to better build your arm and chest muscles.

The Knuckle push-up

The knuckle push up is commonly used in martial arts training to toughen the knuckles and strengthen the arms and wrist in a punching motion. It is pretty self explanatory as it is done with using fists rather than palms. This can also be done with gloves on if you are a boxer or MMA fighter as it will help train your punching technique.

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One arm push-up

Also simple to explain but not simple to perform. This version is done with one arm and can be performed in different variations. The main object of this push-up is to increase the resistance of the exercise. It is known as one of the most difficult push-ups to do.

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  1. Posted by Stan, at Reply

    love diz post man.

  2. Posted by deepak, at Reply

    Thanks a lot bro… Good information

  3. Posted by abhishek, at Reply

    this is quiet interesting……………loved it.

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  5. Posted by Kamal, at Reply

    This article is great..but could have been better if it was explained with pictures…anyway thanks

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