Top 7 Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle

Top 7 Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle

There are some specific weight lifting routines to build muscle you should follow if you want to renovate your body.

The weight lifting routines to build muscle with we want are some essential full body exercises that target a number of muscles at once, as well as some great isolation exercises.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #1:
The first exercise on the weight lifting routines to build muscle is the barbell shoulder press. Obviously, it targets your shoulders, but also your triceps and chest area. You can choose to do it standing or sitting on a bench with support. Grab the barbell with both your hands, a little over shoulder width and extend your arms and then return to the starting position.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #2:
This exercise on the weight lifting routines to build muscle is the barbell delt row and targets your shoulders, biceps and lats. With a barbell on the ground, take a wide grip and bend your knees. Keep the back straight at all times. Your palms should be facing towards your body. Lift up to your chest and return.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #3:
The leg press exercise is great for all of your leg muscles and glutes. Sit on the leg press seat, place your feet on the footplate and push forward and extend your legs 95 percent and return to the starting position.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #4:
The bench press exercise is a great weight lifting routine to build muscle with and targets your chest, shoulders and triceps. Lie on a bench and hold the bar. Lift it upwards by extending your arms and return to the starting position.

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-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #5:
The dead lift is among the weight lifting routine to build muscle that is known to be the toughest. That is because it targets all of your back area, your glutes and is an excellent muscle builder.
Grab a barbell from the ground. Bend your knees a little, while keeping your back straight. Now lift the bar upwards so that it almost touches your shin and knees. As soon as you have passed the knees, stand as straight as possible and hold it for 1 or two seconds and return.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #6:
The sixth exercise in the weight lifting routines to build muscle is the preacher curl that targets your biceps. You need a preacher curl bench and either a barbell or dumbbells. Grab the bar or dumbbells and pull up with your forearms so that your forearms touches your biceps. Return and repeat.

-Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle #7:
The cable bar pull down is great for your lats and back area. Find the cable bar pull down machine and perform it as described.

When you are comfortable in the gym and know what weight lifting routine to build muscle with you like, you can switch it and have a variety of exercises.

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