4-Day Split Workout for Beginners

4-Day Split Workout for Beginners

As we discovered through a survey in a group, most of our readers classify themselves as beginners. Difficult to find a good workout program if you are a beginner. If you can not use the help of the trainee, we will do his work. And offer you a 4-day split workout plan especially for beginners.

Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Upper Body. Traction and press
Day 3: The upper part of the body. Presses
Day 4: Rest
Repeat cycle from Day 1.


Tabatha – a form of high-intensity interval cardio training. 20 seconds at a rapid pace, 10 seconds at a moderate pace, repeat 8 times. Laid out on the ranges to the fullest.

Rod set. You do not put weight on the floor or on the frame, if you do not completely finish the cycle. Do all the exercises one after another without a break to rest between them.

Drop-set – a technique in which the sets are made without interruption, one after another, but for each new set you should take lighter weights. This allows you to completely burn muscle.


Day 1: Legs
Training the legs for beginners: the quadriceps, biceps femoris, buttocks and calves.
Cardio: Tabatha on a stationary bike.
The cycle of boom-foot complex
Repeat the cycle three times; rest between cycles – 90 seconds.
Deadlifts: 1 warm-up set of 12 repetitions.
Deadlifts: 5 reps.
Deadlifts on straight legs: 5 reps.
Taking a barbell on the chest: 5 reps.
Squats on the chest: 5 reps.
Push press (from the chest above his head): 1 repeats.
Squats on the shoulders of 5 repetitions.
The slopes of the body forward on straight legs with a barbell on the shoulders of 5 repetitions.
Squats without weights: maximum, burning sensation in the muscles.
Rise on your toes without the weight: max. Hold on to the simulator for the balance.
Rest 90 seconds. Then start the cycle from the beginning.

Related article:  A Beginner's Guide To Lose Fat Fast Forever

Day 2: Upper Body. Deadlifts and press
Upper body workout for beginners.
Cardio: Tabatha rowing simulator.
Traction cycle for the upper body
Repeat 3 times, rest 90 seconds.
The vertical thrust: a warm-up set of 10-12 repetitions.
Vertical thrust: 5 reps.
Pull-ups (grip at the top): 1 set to failure.
Throw a heavy ball on the floor over a head: 1 set to failure.
Pull-ups in the simulator Smith or TRX (grip at the top): 1 set to failure.
Craving a dumbbell in one hand: 1 set of 5-12 reps (to failure).
Curls (selectable with a barbell or dumbbells): 1 set to failure.
Rest 90 seconds. Then move on to the next cycle.
Cycle exercise at a press
Repeat 3 times, rest 90 seconds.
Turns body stamped: 1 set to failure.
Fitball roll bar in position 1 set to failure.
Lifting your knees to the chest or in the Vis ups: 1 set to failure.

Day 3: The upper part of the body. Presses
Cardio: Tabatha on a stationary bike.
The cycle of regimes in the upper body
Repeat 3 times, rest 90 seconds.
Press over the head while standing: a warm-up set of 10-12 repetitions.
Overhead press standing: 1 set, 5-8 reps before failure.
Dumbbell bench press on flat bench: a drop-set.
Lifting dumbbells in the hands while standing: 1 set to failure.
French Bench Press: 1 set to failure.
Rest 90 seconds and repeat the cycle again.

Day 4: Rest
Leave a whole day to recover (no exercise) and a lot of sleep.

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