Full Week Hardcore Workout Plan

Full Week Hardcore Workout Plan

Firstly let me start off bytelling you this. If you want to workout, get big, stronger, or just morehealthy understand this: It is a long road to travel with many bumps and hills,but in the end if you’ll be glad you took it.

I’ve decided instead of doing onearticle on Training then one on Nutrition and so on, I’d write one on all thetopics touching on everything.

Step 1:
The first and up most important step to become a successfu lbodybuilder is setting goals. Think about it right now. Do you want to be thestrongest man alive? Do you want to be able to protect yourself from others? Doyou just want to look good and improve your charisma? Improve your skill in asport? Anything you chose you should write down. Writing things down will helpyou remember. Do it every day, this way you won’t forget and it only takes youa couple of minutes.

Step 2:
Choose a deadline. This way it will be that extra push you need to get through the workouts. It will put a good kind ofpressure on you, making you aware of the date and striving harder to reach thatgoal by the date. Most of the time you’ll reach you goal before the deadlinebecause of that positive pressure you put on yourself. Pressure is a goodthing!

Step 3:
Take action. get a calendar or a notebook and write down whatyou need to do each day in order to reach your bodybuilder workoutsgoals. Knowing what to do each day is a proven way to reach your goals. Makesure you finish everything on the same day you wrote it. Falling back willcause bad pressure and eventually make you quit training/working out altogether.

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Nutrition plays a crucial role in gaining results. Eating fast food and junkisn’t going to get you those six pack abs now are they? For our diet we aregoing to use a mass gain diet. here is an outline of what you will beeating/doing.

1. Eat healthy

2. More Protein

3. More Calories

I know you’re thinking more?! Yes more. Calories=mass no matter which way youput it. Eat earth foods like Potatoes and Beans. Protein is essential formuscle repair and growth. You should have around 2g for every pound of you perday. Don’t go to your local Burger King and eat. Never eat fast foods or fattyfood. Eat some salads or vegetables. These are good ways to be healthy and staystrong.

Most people tell you what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I like tolet you judge. I don’t know what you like eating so you have to do a littleresearch and find out what you like that you can eat and you can’t eat. Rememberwhen putting on muscle you will put on fat. Thats why when this is all said anddone you cut.


Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday ;Thursday;Friday; Saturday; Sunday
Chest/Abs; Legs ;Arms; ; Rest ; Back ; Shoulders ; Legs

You can mix and match your workouts how you like .

Day 1 Chest/Abs

Dumbbell Flyes – Chest
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – Chest
Barbell Bench Press – Chest
Inclined Barbell Bench Press – Chest
Decline Barbell Bench Press – Chest
Lying Hip Thrusts – Lower Abs
Ab Crunches – Upper Abs
Lying Hip Thrusts – Abs
Ab Crunches – Abs
Air Bike – Abs

Related article:  8 Secret Muscle foods

Days 2-7 Legs

Barbell Deadlift – Legs
Barbell Full Squat- Legs
Barbell Lunge – Legs
Dumbbell Lunges – Legs
Rocking Standing Calf Raise – Legs
Standing Barbell Calf Raise – Legs

Days 3 Arms

Alternate Hammer Curl – Biceps
Preacher Curl – Biceps
Barbell Curl – Biceps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl – Biceps
Hammer Curls – Biceps
One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl – Biceps
Incline Dumbbell Curl – Biceps
Bench Dips – Triceps
Lying Triceps Press – Triceps
Reverse Triceps Bench Press – Triceps
Seated Triceps Press – Triceps
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension – Triceps

Days 4 Rest

Day 5 Back

Upright Barbell Row – Traps
Dumbbell Shrugs – Traps
Pull-ups – lats
Wide-Grip Rear Pull-Up – lats
Bent Over Barbell Row – Middle Back
Bent Over Two-Dumbbell Row – Middle Back
Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift – Lower Back
Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlift – Lower Back

Days 6 Shoulders

Bench Press – Shoulders
Inclined Bench Press – Shoulders
Declined Bench Press – Shoulders
Standing Military Press – Shoulders
Upright Barbell Row – Shoulders

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