Best Free At Home Exercises

Best Free At Home Exercises

Rotated Chest Raise
Sit on your butt knees bent and with your feet on the ground. Keep your chest at an incline. Rotate your upper body from left to right with your arms stretched out. Be sure to not rest your back on the ground while performing these movements. Your arms should hover over your knees.

Criss-Cross Crunches
Lie down on your back knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your hands behind your neck. Keep your legs crossed at the knees. While raising your back from the ground raise your left shoulder until your left elbow touches your right knee. Slowly lower yourself again until your elbow touches the ground.

Leg Extension
While sitting, place each of your hands on either side of your body. Keep your shoulders and back straight. Join your feet together and lift them up by contracting your abdominal muscles, until your legs are parallel with the ground. Maintain the pose for about 10 seconds. Bend your knees to then bring your feet back to the ground. Do one series of 10 repetitions. This exercise works your legs and tummy.

Foot Lift
While sitting, place each of your hands on either side of your body. Keep your shoulders and back straight. While contracting your abs, lift your feet about five centimetres off the ground. Hold the position for about 10 seconds. Slowly let your feet down back on the ground. Do one series of 10 repetitions. This exercise works your ab region and thighs.

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Air Pedaling
Lie down on your back leaning on your forearms in back of you. Keep your legs parallel to the ground and perform a back-and-forth movement with your legs by alternately bringing your knees towards your chest.

Modified Plank
Place yourself in a push-up position, with your legs extended behind you, hands placed on either side of your head. Next, place your forearms on the ground, palms facing down, shoulder-width apart. Holding this position, raise your right leg up by a few centimetres and lower it again, repeating the movement 10 times. Do the same with your left leg. Throughout the exercise, contract your abdominal muscles and don’t release, making sure your body forms a parallel line with the ground. Do two sets (of 10 repetitions with each leg).

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