Unusual Uses For Lemons

Unusual Uses For Lemons

1. Use Them on Countertops – Cut a lemon in half and dip the open side into some baking soda. Scrub down your countertops, them wipe with a wet sponge and dry. They’re clean and smell fresh. This is a great alternative for those of you who dislike harsh chemicals but aren’t up for making your own cleaning products yet. *Note, don’t try this trick on delicate stone or stainless steel, it might cause discoloration. If you’re unsure, try a test patch first.

2. Soothe a Sore Throat – Lemon can always be added to hot tea for extra soothing. It also makes a great gargle. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to about a ¼ cup of warm water.

3. Stain Remover – Remove stains in laundry and on carpet. Put a small amount directly on the stain. Soak and let stand for a few minutes. Wash as directed. This is especially good for underarm stains. Salt can be added to make a paste for heavier cleaning. For brightening of whites, let it dry in the sun after a lemon wash. The good news is lemons are much safer than bleach and for those of you who have a septic system, lemons are much friendlier than bleach!

4. Freshen Your Garbage Disposal – If your garbage disposal smells funky, quarter a lemon and stuff it in there. I usually stuff 3/4 in. Squeeze the juice of the last 1/4 over the rubber thing and scrub. Then toss the peel in. Run the pieces through and the lemons will not only clean the disposal but also make your sink smell fresh!

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5. Clean green – Lemon juice is a fabulous general cleaner including toilet bowls. It provides sanitizing, shining, and a fresh scent. It is also a natural deodorizer – try cleaning your trashcan with a lemon juice rinse. It is also great for refreshing refrigerators.

6. Skin Care – Lemons are packed with vitamin C and citric acid. These are natural skin disinfectants and help remove oil. Using lemon juice on your face is great for cleansing oily skin. It penetrates deep, removes impurities and leaves your skin toned, tightened and less prone to breakouts. Want a DIY face scrub? Use the juice of half a lemon with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Just make sure you use any lemon products at night because they can cause photosensitivity.

7. Fruit & Vegetable Wash – Lemon juice provides a great natural wash for your produce, as well as helping preserve. The old wives’ tale about keeping cut apples from turning brown is true. Use with lettuce and other leafy vegetables to maintain crsipness.

8. Freshen your breath. – Squeeze a little lemon juice into water and swish. Lemon juice helps kill germs and again offers a deodorizing quality. You can also suck on a wedge at a restaurant after eating for the same result. (Some believe this can be hard on teeth enamel, however, and probably should not be done as part of a regular routine.) 9. Keep the bugs out – Spray lemon juice in cracks and on thresholds to naturally repel insects.

10. Remove Rust Spots – Sometimes knives can get rust spots on them. This is especially true if you send them through the dishwasher or leave in the sink too long. Get rid of those ugly spots with a little lemon juice.

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