Bigger Biceps in ONE Day

Bigger Biceps in ONE Day

The One-day Massive Arms Muscle Building Routine

Just show me a man who will say “I don’t care about my biceps size”. If you’ll find one – he is not a bodybuilder for sure because if he is a bodybuilder he’ll never say this way. Are you a bodybuilder? Yeah? So let me tell you something. The method I wanna tell you about had been used by some great bodybuilders including Arnold Schwarzenegger who had applied it exactly before the contest. The method he used is to pump the biceps all the day making a set or a couple of sets each hour during the day. As he revealed later it had made his biceps looking much bigger on the stage.

Having read many articles, and got a lot of information I have developed my own one-day arms program I’ll give you here. It has been checked by me and I can tell you – it really works. If you think that to add half an inch in one day to your arms is not a progress at all, then my congratulations – you are a real mass monster and it’s not worth to read further. But if your thoughts are all of how to make this stubborn muscle grow – the following is devoted to you.

One-day arms routine

Time Biceps exercise Triceps exercise
9:00 AM Standing barbell curls: 1 x 15, 1 x 8 Dips: 1 x 15, 1 x 10
10:00 AM Preacher curls: 2 x 8 Lying extensions: 2 x 10
11:00 AM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10
12:00 AM Seated dumbbell curls: 2 x 8 Cable pressdowns: 2 x 10
1:00 PM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10
2:00 PM Concentration curls: 2 x 8 Close grip bench presses: 2 x 10
3:00 PM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10
4:00 PM Preacher curls: 2 x 8 Lying extensions: 2 x 10
5:00 PM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10
6:00 PM Seated dumbbell curls: 2 x 8 Cable pressdowns: 2 x 10
7:00 PM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10
8:00 PM Concentration curls: 2 x 8 Close grip bench presses: 2 x 10
9:00 PM Standing barbell curls: 2 x 8 Dips: 2 x 10

Related article:  How To Lose Weight Without Gym Or Diet?

Do not use this program more often then once in 3-4 months.
Let your body totally recover for at least 4 days before and after the one-day arms program.
This program succeeds assuming the bodybuilder is not currently drug enhanced.

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